How to Find Joy in the Waiting
December 17, 2017
When I was a kid, I loved everything about Christmas—being with family, eating good food, and (especially) opening presents. For a kid, tearing into a carefully wrapped present on Christmas morning was the absolute best.
Waiting for Christmas Day
I liked the season leading up to Christmas too, but not as much. There were a lot of fun things about the Christmas season—decorating the tree, singing Christmas carols, attending parties at school, and lighting the advent candles. But even though these activities were fun, I struggled to enjoy them because I was impatient for Christmas to get here. Because I liked Christmas Day so much, I wanted to rush through the days leading up to it, even though those days were enjoyable in their own right. As a kid, I would have skipped the days leading up to Christmas if I could.
Enjoying the Entire Season
Now, as an adult, I know better. Christmas Day is awesome, but it’s only one day, and then it’s over. Now I try to soak up every day of the Christmas season, enjoying each part. I know Christmas Day will be nice, but there are also other joys to experience in the waiting—decorating the Christmas tree, drinking hot chocolate while watching a Christmas movie, and catching up with friends at all the holiday parties.
Rushing Through Life
Unfortunately, in the rest of my life, I’m a lot like that little kid at Christmas, wanting to rush through all the waiting. If I’m working toward a goal at work, for example, I get frustrated that I’m not there yet. Sometimes I want to skip all the hard work and just be finished with it. I forget that there’s joy in the accomplishment AND joy in the journey.
Sometimes in my personal life as well, I have wanted to get going on to the next stage, whether it is getting married, having kids, etc. I know there’s joy in the next stage, but I forget there’s joy in the waiting and the stage I’m in now. It’s good to look around and enjoy the waiting. You don’t want to miss that.
Is there something in your life that you’re waiting for this Christmas season? It’s okay to hope and long for that next step, but don’t forget to find joy in the waiting. Just like the Advent season, you may not want to miss this.

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