Do the Next Right Thing
November 26, 2015
Categories: Stress
Sometimes life gets too difficult and overwhelming. Maybe you’re in one of those times right now. Everywhere you turn, life keeps piling stressful things on to your plate. You can’t seem to catch a break. Your to-do list is a mile long.
When I get in a situation like this, I have a tendency to freeze. Like a deer caught in the headlights, I sometimes struggle to do anything. There is just too much to do, and I’m overwhelmed, so I get stuck. Then, I try to distract myself from the stress by zoning out and watching TV.
One mantra that has helped me to get un-stuck in situations like these is to do the next right thing. Maybe this could be helpful for you as well. Instead of trying to figure out ten things and getting overwhelmed, ask yourself this question: What is one thing I could do right now that could make a difference in my situation? Make it small, and make it something that you know you can do. Then forget about everything else for now, and focus all your energy on doing that one thing.
After you have completing your one thing, check in with yourself. Are you wiped out? If so, that’s okay, take a break. If you have some more energy, ask yourself the question again: What is one thing I could do right now that could make a difference in my situation? Again, make it small, and make it something that you know you can do. Forget about everything else for now, and focus all your energy on doing that one thing.
Repeat this process until you are tired and need a break.
Action Step: Think about a situation you are struggling with in your life. What is one thing you could do right now that could make a difference in your situation? Then do it!
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[…] it is often clear to us what we should do. What is the next thing on your list to do? Get moving! Do the next right thing. Then do the next right thing […]